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Christian Malanga, a fringe Congolese politician and leader of the US-based United Congolese Party, apparently died in battle while leading a foiled coup attempt in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). His band of 20 armed men reportedly tried to force entry into the Palais de la Nation, the official residence of President Felix Tshisekedi. The coup attempt was broadcast live on Malanga’s Facebook page, where he spoke of “a new Zaire” and carried the flag of the Mobutu Sese Seko era1. This incident marks the first coup attempt in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region since the successful November 2017 coup in Zimbabwe1.

Auteur : Graphèle Paluku Atoka Uwekomu

I am involved in the personal and holistic development of each of my fellow citizens, and in the community, national and global development in a democratic, christian, and capitalist way. Je suis impliqué dans le développement personnel et holistique de chacun de mes concitoyens ; et, dans le développement communautaire, national et global dans une vision démocratique, chrétienne et capitaliste. Ik ben betrokken bij de persoonlijke en holistische ontwikkeling van elk van mijn medeburgers; en in de gemeenschap, de nationale en mondiale ontwikkeling in een democratische, christelijke en kapitalistische visie.

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